Saturday, April 3, 2010

first entry

Hi, and welcome to my first blog. People over 10 dont understand how difficult it is to be a ten-year old or under. It is harder than it looks. When you are in fourth grade like me, you can get sick of school. I know I am! For fourth-graders it is hard to pay attention when you have been in elementery school for 5 years. Everything is the same old thing every day and we cant take it anymore. We just want to skip the next few years and go to middle school. When we wake up every morning and your mom or dad says wake up it is time for school, a signal in our brain goes "Not again!". Every fourth-grader hears the siren and doesnt get up until the very last minute because we sometimes get lazy. After school we all get hungry even though we just had lunch. Every mom always says what would you like and every kid says i dont know. That is only because every kid isnt really hungry they are just thirsty. Then at dinner we arent hungry because we had a snack after school. When it is time to go to bed we say we arent tired but we really are. Then we fall asleep.

~alexa's first entry

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